
TheMassUFO SightingHidden [女優]

The Mass UFO Sighting Hidden By The Government | UFO Conspiracies

In November 2006, a mass sighting of a flying saucer hovering over a United Airlines gate at Chicago O'Hare airport occurred. The dramatic incident took place and was witnessed by multiple aviation professionals, pilots and passengers. The immediate aftermath of the event was captured in real time by audio recordings between the airport's Air Traffic Control tower and airline staff. The sighting however was dismissed by the US government's Federal Aviation Administration as a weather phenomenon...

For the first time - it's official UFOs are real. As UFOs move from conspiracy theory to receiving top level government approval - an extraordinary new ten-part series launches on Sky History investigating some of the world's most jaw-dropping and recent unexplained UFO sightings. Our hosts, Craig Charles and Sarah Cruddas, will turn to world renowned UFO experts, whistle-blowers and first hand eye-witnesses to build their cases!

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